The Civil Society Team for Enhancing Public Budget Transparency (CSTPBT) cordially invites you to participate in the Public Budget Conference for the year 2023, which will be held under the theme “Transparency and Participation: Key Pillars for Public Financial Management Reform”. The conference is convened in response to the ongoing challenges in public funds management, as well as the successive crises and labor strikes witnessed in the public sector. These challenges persist in the backdrop of the financial crisis and the weakness of the measures taken to reform public finance management. The conference aims to formulate specific recommendations to the Palestinian government towards greater openness to citizens, commitment to and fulfillment of pledges related to reforming public funds management and reducing public spending.
The conference agenda is as follows:
Session 1: Presentation of the Semiannual Public Budget performance of 2023, along with the results of evaluations conducted by AMAN on the extent of public participation and transparency in the Public Budget.
Session 2: Addressing disparities in public employee numbers and salary levels in key positions of responsibility and assessing the state of transparency in the financial relationship between the Palestinian and Israeli side and examining its impact on the public treasury considering the ongoing occupation’s piracy of clearing funds and escalating financial crises.
The conference will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at the Millennium Hotel in Ramallah froonm 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Kindly confirm your attendance via email: [email protected], or by filling the registration form at the following link:
We will be honored by your presence
P.S Translation is available.