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National Integrity System Study 2013

About the project:

The National Integrity System Study 2013 (NIS 2013) is a one year regional project conducted in five Arab countries: Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Yemen, and Palestine. The project was launched in March 2013 and will end in February 2014. In addition to the studies, a minimum of one policy paper will be produced and discussed with stakeholders, and other interested parties, on a major issue of concern pointed out during the research.  It is the second project of its kind supported by Transparency International (TI) to be implemented in the region.  The first, which was called the MABDA project, was launched in 2007 and was conducted in the abovementioned countries with the exception of Yemen. Publications resulting from that project included four NIS reports in addition to a regional document that consolidated issues that are most common in the four countries, as well as differences. Other publications were four reports on compliance with the United Nations Covenant on Anti Corruption (UNCAC). 
Once the studies are completed and launched, advocacy activities are planned for 2014.

Project’s Aim

This project aims at providing five NIS Assessment Reports in the five countries that will mirror the legal framework, policies, and procedures (existence and practice) as they relate to transparency, accountability and integrity in the nation’s key institutions or pillars, as called in the NIS (shown below), and their effectiveness in preventing corruption opportunities within each institution.  The NIS will also provide an assessment of resources, performance, role, its relationship and effect on other institutions /pillars etc., hence giving a holistic picture of the system which will serve as a reference for reform and hopefully will be adopted and integrated in any national anti corruption strategic plan for participating countries.

What is NIS

The National Integrity System (NIS) study offers an assessment of the principle institutions of governance responsible for enhancing integrity and preventing corruption in a country. The NIS will assess the following pillars:

The Palestinian NIS 2013

As mentioned above, AMAN, with support and assistance from TI conducted and published the first NIS in 2009, covering the period from mid 2007-end of 2008. NIS 2013 will cover the last two years, more or less, and will automatically take into account findings and recommendation of the 2009 NIS study with a scrutinizing eye as to changes (positive or negative), which occurred since the issuance of the 2009 report. For example, the 2009 NIS recommended the establishment of an Anti Corruption Commission in Palestine, in accordance with the UNCAC. In 2010, this commission was established as a result of joint effort of cooperation from the government and pressure from civil society. The study, therefore, will assess what has and has not been achieved as well as come to its own conclusions on certain issues.

Furthermore, this study will provide numerical indications of each pillar that will give the interested an instant assessment of the situation as it relates to good governance or lack thereof (i.e. space for corruption opportunities).
Finally, the report will provide practical recommendations that can be translated into advocacy activities leading to reform in the Palestinian National Integrity System.

AMAN, with its mission to contribute to building a national integrity system in Palestine, considers this study as the backbone for all its anti-corruption activities hence the NIS will be promoted and its recommendations implemented through its core program activities as well as activities of projects.

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