The Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN) is following with profound concern the Law by Decree on the Establishment of the Palestinian Medical Association, promulgated by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on 20 October 2022. According to this enactment, powers of the elected board of the Medical Association will be transferred to one appointed by the President. The law by decree involves a serious infringement on legal and constitutional trade union activities as well as on supremacy of the Palestinian Basic Law, which governs the building of a democratic State that respects rights and freedom of association. It also runs counter to principles laid down by Palestinian laws, ensuring freedom of association and union activity.
AMAN is of the view that the hasty promulgation of the law by decree adversely affects and impinges on the right of general assemblies to elect relevant representatives. It emphasises that the appointment a board that is not democratically elected consolidates the executive branch of government’s grip and domination over trade union activity. Without due regard to the public interest, the law by decree undermines political integrity and public confidence in the State.
Against this backdrop, AMAN demands that the President’s Office repeal the law by decree immediately. AMAN stresses the need for dialogue and partnership between stakeholders with a view to Palestinising and managing governance of trade unions. Furthermore, AMAN highlights the importance of holding general elections to choose a legislative council that takes responsibility for making and approving necessary regulations.